Inmate Grievance Resolution Board
The Inmate Grievance Resolution Board has jurisdiction over all appeals of inmate grievances filed through the Administrative Remedy Procedure established pursuant to Article 11A of Chapter 148 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Its responsibilities include review of the grievance procedure and other functions assigned by the Governor.
The Governor appoints the five members of the Board who serve staggered four-year terms. Three of the members are attorneys selected from a list of 10 people recommended by the Council of the North Carolina State Bar. The remaining two members are people with knowledge and experience in areas under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Adult Correction.
The Board is an independent agency housed within the NC Department of Adult Correction (NC DAC). A staff of eight supports the work of the Board, including an executive director, grievance examiners, and administrative staff. Support staff, equipment, and facilities for the Board are provided by NCDAC. The Board meets at least quarterly to review data and information related to grievances and the grievance process. In addition, the Secretary may ask the Board to investigate matters of broad policy concerns and conduct fact-finding hearings related to the matters presented for investigation.
Each facility is required to appoint a facility screening officer who maintains responsibility for receipt, processing, and screening of grievances. The grievance process involves three levels of review – first by a designated staff person, then the facility head, and finally the Board. All reports, investigations, and supporting documents prepared in response to a request for an administrative remedy are confidential.
The Administrative Remedy Procedure
The Administrative Remedy Procedure is incorporated into policy by the NCDAC Institutions Division. Upon admission to the correctional facility, each person receives written notification and a verbal explanation of the grievance process. Both state and federal law require that incarcerated people exhaust administrative remedies prior to filing a lawsuit against the State of North Carolina, the NC Department of Adult Correction, or its employees.
Click here to view the Administrative Remedy Procedure Policy
Summary of the Grievance Process
A summary of the steps involved in the Grievance Process is provided below.
STEPS | What takes place during this step in the Grievance Process |
Written Grievance | Aggrieved party files a written grievance. With some exceptions, grievances generally must be filed within 90 days of incident. |
Initial Screening | A screening officer at the facility reviews the grievance and notifies the aggrieved party whether the claim has been accepted or rejected for processing. Reasons for rejection are set forth in Section .0306 of the Administrative Remedy Procedure. |
STEP 1 Review | If accepted, the grievance is assigned a designated staff member who reviews the grievance, investigates the facts, and files a written response with supporting documentation within 15 days. The aggrieved party then signs the response and indicates whether they accept the response or want to proceed to Step 2. |
STEP 2 Review | Within 20 days of an appeal to Step 2, the facility head, or his designee, reviews the Step 1 findings, conducts any necessary additional investigation, and provides a written response to the aggrieved party. The aggrieved party signs the response and indicates whether he wants to accept the response or proceed to Step 3 (an IGRB review). |
STEP 3 Review | If the aggrieved party appeals to Step 3, the facility electronically transmits the appeal to the Board where the appeal is assigned to a grievance examiner for review and consideration. Examiners may conduct an independent investigation limited to the specific issues brought forward in the grievance or may rely on the investigations already completed by the facility. Where appropriate, examiners may attempt to resolve grievances through mediation with all parties. After review, investigation, and mediation, the examiner issues an order. The Order may provide appropriate relief or may deny or dismiss the grievance appeal. |
Final Order | The order granting relief to the aggrieved party is transmitted to the Secretary and the Director of Prisons. The order is binding unless the Secretary: (i) finds that such relief is not appropriate; (ii) gives a written explanation for this finding; and (iii) makes an alternative order of relief or denies the relief. |
Inmate Grievance Resolution Board
4207 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-4207
Inmate Grievance Resolution Board - Quarterly Meetings
Fiscal Year 2024-2025; Quarter 2
February 7, 2025; 10 a.m.
In-Person Meeting
Virtual Option Hosted by Cisco Webex
- I. Ethics Reminder and Approval of Minutes
- A. Introductions and Ethics Reminder.
- B. Approval of Minutes from October 25, 2024, meeting.
- II. Unfinished Business from October 25, 2024, Meeting
- A. Revised grievance policy compliance updates and feedback.
- B. RLUIPA settlement reporting requirements.
- C. Hurricane Helene grievance results.
- III. Executive Director's Report
- A. Quarterly Data.
- B. Correspondence Report.
- C. Attorney Requests.
- D. Digital Archiving Updates.
- IV. Miscellaneous New Business
- A. NCDAC transition information/introductions.
- B. Closed session discussion pursuant to NCGS §143-318.11(a)(1) of offender grievance information which is confidential pursuant to NCGS § 148-118.5.
- C. Closed session discussion pursuant to NCGS § 143-318.11(a)(1) to consider hiring decisions and confidential personnel information.
V. Summary and Adjournment
- A. Summarize Action Items.
- B. Schedule for FY 2024-2025 Meetings:
- Quarter 3: April 25, 2025
- Quarter 4: July 25, 2025
Meeting Link:
Meeting number: 2314 492 0848
Password: Igrb1201 (44721201 when dialing from a phone)
Host key: 598085Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Join by phone
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Access code: 2314 492 0848
Host PIN: 1201
Global call-in numbers
Fiscal Year 2024-2025; Quarter 1
October 25, 2024; 10 a.m.
In-Person Meeting
- I. Ethics Reminder and Approval of Minutes
- A. Introductions and Ethics Reminder.
- B. Approval of Minutes from July 26, 2024, meeting.
- II. Unfinished Business from July 26, 2024, Meeting
- A. Revised grievance policy compliance updates and feedback.
- B. Grievances on tablets pilot updates.
- C. Collaboration with Health Services and Quality Assurance updates.
- III. Miscellaneous New Business
- A. News Items and noteworthy Memoranda.
- B. RLUIPA settlement reporting requirements.
- C. Hurricane Helene operational updates and anticipated grievances.
- D. Anticipated Grievance Examiner vacancy discussion.
- IV. Executive Director’s Report
- A. Quarterly Data.
- B. Correspondence Report.
- C. Attorney requests.
- D. Digital Archiving updates.
V. Summary and Adjournment
- A. Summarize Action Items.
- B. Schedule for FY 2024-2025 Meetings:
- Quarter 1: October 25, 2024
- Quarter 2: January 24, 2025
- Quarter 3: April 25, 2025
- Quarter 4: July 25, 2025
Meeting Link:…
Meeting number: 2305 130 4293
Password: Igrb1201 (44721201 when dialing from a phone)
Host key: 860850
I. Ethics Reminder and Approval of Minutes
A. Introductions and Ethics Reminder.
B. Swearing-in of new Board member, Jennifer Walsh.
C. Approval of Minutes from April 26, 2024, meeting.
II. Unfinished Business from April 26, 2024, Meeting
A. Revised grievance policy updates, issuance, and feedback.
B. Grievances on tablets pilot updates.
III. Executive Director’s Report
A. Quarterly Data.
B. Correspondence Report.
C. Attorney requests.
D. Continuing digital archiving efforts.
IV. Miscellaneous New Business
A. News Items and noteworthy Memoranda.
V. Summary and Adjournment
A. Summarize Action Items.
B. Establish schedule for FY 2024-2025 Meetings:
Quarter 1: October 25, 2024
Quarter 2: January 24, 2025
Quarter 3: April 25, 2025
Quarter 4: July 25, 2025
Join from the meeting link…
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2316 408 3688
Meeting password: Igrb1201! (44721201 when dialing from a phone)
To join from a mobile device (attendees only)
+1-415-655-0002,,23164083688#44721201# US Toll
Some mobile devices may ask attendees to enter a numeric password.
Join by phone
+1-415-655-0002 US Toll
Global call-in numbers
Join from a video system or application
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
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I. Ethics Reminder and Approval of Minutes.
A. Introductions and Ethics Reminder.
B. Approval of Minutes from January 26, 2024 meeting.
II. Unfinished Business from January 26, 2024 meeting.
A. Revised grievance policy updates, issuance and feedback.
B. Grievances on tablets pilot updates.
III. Executive Director’s Report.
A. Quarterly Data.
B. Correspondence Report.
C. Attorney requests.
D. Completion of digital archiving efforts.
IV. Miscellaneous New Business.
A. News Items and noteworthy Memoranda.
V. Summary and Adjournment.
A. Summarize Action Items.
B. Establish schedule for FY 2023-2024 Meetings:
Quarter 4: July 26, 2024
I. Ethics Reminder and Approval of Minutes
A. Introductions and Ethics Reminder.
B. Approval of Minutes from October 27, 2023, meeting.
II. Unfinished Business from October 27, 2023, Meeting
A. Revised grievance policy updates, issuance, and feedback.
B. Grievances on tablets pilot updates.
III. Executive Director’s Report
A. Quarterly Data.
B. Correspondence Report.
C. Attorney requests.
D. Continuing digital archiving efforts.
IV. Miscellaneous New Business
A. News Items and noteworthy Memoranda.
B. 2023 calendar year-end close out.
C. Closed session for updates pursuant to NCGS § 143-318.11(a)(1) of
(1) confidential offender grievance information
(2) confidential personnel information.
V. Summary and Adjournment
A. Summarize Action Items.
B. Establish schedule for FY 2023-2024 Meetings:
Quarter 3: April 26, 2024
Quarter 4: July 26, 2024
The North Carolina Inmate Grievance Resolution Board will hold its virtual quarterly meeting October 27, 2023 from 10 -11:30 a.m.
I. Ethics Reminder and Approval of Minutes.
A. Introductions and Ethics Reminder.
B. Approval of Minutes from July 21, 2023 meeting..
II. Unfinished Business from July 21, 2023 Meeting.
A. Updates regarding state budget.
B. Revised grievance policy updates, issuance and feedback.
C. Grievances on tablets pilot updates.
III. Executive Director’s Report.
A. Quarterly Data.
B. Correspondence Report.
C. Attorney requests.
D. Continuing digital archiving efforts.
IV. Miscellaneous New Business.
A. News Items and noteworthy Memoranda.
B. 2022-2023 Legislative Report.
C. Closed session discussion pursuant to NCGS § 143-318.11(a)(1) of offender grievance information which is confidential pursuant to NCGS § 148-118.5.
V. Summary and Adjournment
A. Summarize Action Items.
B. Establish schedule for FY 2023-2024 Meetings:
Quarter 2: January 26, 2024
Quarter 3: April 26, 2024
Quarter 4: July 26, 2024
The North Carolina Inmate Grievance Resolution Board will hold its virtual quarterly meeting July 21 from 10 -11:30 a.m.
I. Ethics Reminder and Approval of Minutes.
A. Introductions and Ethics Reminder.
B. Reappointment of Robert Campbell.
C. Approval of Minutes from April 28 and July 7.
II. Unfinished Business from April 28 Meeting.
A. Updates regarding state budget.
B. Tablet Installation and content updates.
III. Miscellaneous New Business.
A. Review policy feedback.
B. Vote on any substantive changes from April 28 approved policy.
C. News Items and noteworthy Memoranda.
IV. Executive Director’s Report.
A. Quarterly Data.
B. Correspondence Report.
C. Attorney requests.
D. Continuing digital archiving efforts.
V. Summary and Adjournment
A. Summarize Action Items.
B. Establish schedule for FY 2023-2024 Meetings.
The North Carolina Inmate Grievance Resolution Board will hold a special meeting July 7 at 9 a.m. The Board will discuss confidential personnel information in Closed Session pursuant to NCGS §143-318.11.
Meeting Type: teleconference
To join meeting: Meeting number (access code): 2305 987 4624; Meeting password: Igrb1201 (44721201 from phones).
Join by phone: +1-415-655-0002 US Toll.
Event website:
The North Carolina Inmate Grievance Resolution Board will hold its quarterly meeting April 18 at 10 a.m.
Meeting Type: teleconference
To join meeting: Meeting number (access code): 2308 549 9184; Meeting password: Igrb! (44720 from phones).
Join by phone: +1-415-655-0002 US Toll. Join from a video system or application: Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Event website:…
I. Ethics Reminder and Approval of Minutes.
- Introductions.
- Ethics Reminder.
- Approval of Minutes from October 21, 2022.
II. Unfinished Business from Quarter 1Meeting.
- Transition updates to the Department of Adult Correction (DAC).
- Tablet Installation updates.
- Griffin decision from Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
- Policy modification proposals regarding tablets and grievance limits.
III. Miscellaneous New Business.
IV. Executive Director’s Report.
- Quarterly Data.
- Correspondence Report.
- Attorney requests.
- Continuing digital archiving efforts.
V. Summary and Adjournment
- Summarize Action Items.