The North Carolina Department of Adult Correction offers information and resources to help the public better understand operations, policies and procedures. Our goal is to promote transparency and foster open communication with members of the public.
Use the tabs below to find answers to frequently asked questions.
I am a friend or family member of an offender.
Offender Public Information Search / Offender Locator - Search by name or offender ID for up-to-date information on NC prison offenders, probationers and parolees.
Find Facilities & Contact Information - The Division of Institutions is responsible for the care and custody of approximately 30,000 people housed in 53 North Carolina prisons.
Community Supervision Offices - Directory & Map - Download/view a map and contact information for the four Community Supervision Judicial Divisions and 30 Judicial Districts.
NCDAC offers several options for sending funds to offenders in prison facilities. Click here to learn more.
Scanned mail is now being delivered electronically to inmate tablets for most offenders, no longer printed and hand-delivered. Click here to learn how to send mail to an offender.
The North Carolina Department of Adult Correction contracts with a vendor to provide phone services that allow offenders to communicate with families and friends. Click here to learn more about how the Offender Telephone System.
Visitation by family and friends is encouraged and can make a positive difference during an offender's time in prison. Click here for information about rules and procedures.
I am a member of the general public.
Offender Public Information Search / Offender Locator - Search by name or offender ID for up-to-date information on NC prison offenders, probationers and parolees.
Find Facilities & Contact Information - The Division of Institutions is responsible for the care and custody of approximately 30,000 people housed in 53 North Carolina prisons.
If you have information on the whereabouts of individuals who are actively avoiding probation or parole supervision CALL 1-888-646-0024. Click here for a list of NC Absconders.
Correction Enterprises is a self-supported agency that fuels the economy and trains offenders for returning to the community. Click here to learn more.
NCDAC maintains data and information to support transparency and to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations. Visit our Publications, Data and Research webpage.
We have openings across the state, benefits you will appreciate and a generous pay scale! Search job opportunities and apply.
Citizens from the community can help offenders participate in programs that assist in their rehabilitation and return to society as law-abiding citizens. Click here for more information.
NCDAC oversees a comprehensive array of programs and services, and collaborates with partners across NC to help offenders be successful upon release. Learn more here.
I am a victim or family member of a victim.
Victim Services staff assists victims and family members through the correctional process: Prison, probation, parole or post-release supervision. Visit the Victim Support Services website.
Search by name or offender ID for up-to-date information on NC prison offenders, probationers and parolees.
Access the Offender Public Information Search / Offender Locator.
NC SAVAN operates a 24-hour toll-free automated offender information and notification service. Learn more and sign up.
You may request that the offender not contact you while the offender is in prison. Get the No Contact Request form here.
Victims and their immediate family members may request that a DAC inmate not be housed in a facility in the county or counties in which they live and work. Complete a Victim Opposition to Inmate Location Form.
Call the NCDAC Victim Support Services staff at 1-866-719-0108 or email: svc_dac_victimservices@dac.nc.gov
I am a justice-involved person.
NCCARE360's statewide coordinated care network helps individuals better locate needed services for the formerly incarcerated. Learn more about NCCARE 360.
NCDAC oversees and supports a broad array of policies, processes and partnerships to provide services to offenders at all facilities. Learn more about programs/services here.