Alexander Correctional Institution
Mailing and Street Address: 633 Old Landfill Road, Taylorsville, NC 28681
Phone: (828) 632-1331
County: Alexander
Offender capacity: 1,180
Facility type: Male - Close and Minimum custody
Alexander Correctional Institution houses close custody offenders in single cells and minimum-custody offenders in a dormitories in a 252-bed minimum-security unit.
Blue Unit houses offenders with chronic health issues, new admissions into the institution, offenders being released from segregation or control status, and offenders assigned to unit-specific jobs. Green Unit houses offenders assigned to the Correction Enterprises furniture plant, institutional job and program assignments. Red Unit houses offenders assigned to the residential mental health program, specific and segregation janitorial jobs, and outpatient mental health status. The segregation unit houses offenders assigned to restrictive housing statuses.