Bertie Correctional Institution is comprised of two facility units housing close and medium custody offenders. The close custody unit is a 1,000 single-cell unit. The medium custody unit is a 504-bed open dormitory.
Bertie CI opened in August 2006. The facility employs correctional officers, registered nurses, physicians, dentists, mental health providers, maintenance, case managers, program and administrative staff. Community volunteers assist the facility with religious and transitional opportunities for offenders. Education and vocational classes are provided by Martin Community College and East Carolina University. Case managers provide programs such as the offender service club, AA, NA, CBI, in-cell studies, anger management, breaking the cycle, domestic violence, fatherhood parenting, etc. The facility reduced restrictive housing cells from 269 beds to 128 beds in 2016.
The facility is operated under the unit management system and is separated into four units in the close custody unit, and is separated into two units in the medium custody unit. Close custody units are the Gray Unit, Red Unit, Blue Unit and Green Unit. The Gray Unit houses offenders assigned to restrictive housing. The Red, Blue and Green units house offenders assigned to regular and general population. The Blue Unit also houses offenders assigned to Regular Population Modified Housing. Medium custody regular population units are Tan 1 and Tan 2.
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 129, Windsor, NC 27983
Street Address: 218 Cooper Hill Road, Windsor, NC 27983
Phone: 252-794-8600 252-509-0158
County: Bertie
Offender capacity: 1,504
Facility type: Male - Close and Medium custody
Bertie Correctional Institution is comprised of two units housing close and medium custody offenders. The close custody unit is a 1,000 single-cell unit. The medium custody unit is a 504-bed dormitory style unit.
Bertie CI opened in August 2006. Education and vocational classes are provided by Martin Community College and East Carolina University. Case managers provide a variety of correctional programs. Community volunteers assist the facility with religious and transitional opportunities.