Brown Creek Correctional Institution

Mailing/Street address: P.O. Box 310, Polkton, NC 28135
Phone: 704-272-4570
County: Anson
Offender capacity: 916
Facility type: Male, Minimum Custody


Brown Creek Correctional Institution provides a safe, secure, rehabilitative environment for male offenders classified as minimum custody. Brown Creek offers post-incarceration educational and vocational programs such as carpentry and electrical through South Piedmont Community College. Offenders can work a variety of jobs in the facility or at the Correction Enterprises Metal Plant. Work release to a job in the surrounding community is also available to offenders who have earned the privilege.

Opened in 1993 as a male medium-custody facility, Brown Creek was merged in 2016 with neighboring Lanesboro Correctional Institution to create Anson Correctional Institution. Brown Creek became a minimum-custody unit of Anson housing men. In 2024, Brown Creek was re-established as a separate prison facility for men in minimum-custody.

Warden Sammy Heaton

Sammy Heaton
