Harnett Correctional Institution has grown from a one-dormitory prison built when the State Highway Department ran the state prisons to a 30-acre prison compound sitting on a 198-acre site for medium security adult males. It has seven housing units divided into 29 separate dormitories, including 34 single cells used for restrictive housing purposes. The prison also has a dining hall, recreation building, education building, two vocational buildings, a chapel, six modular buildings, and a medical building for dental and nursing staff.
Central Carolina Community College works with the prison to provide vocational programs such as Barbering, Carpentry, Electrical Wiring, Food Services, Masonry, Welding, and Facility Maintenance. Classes in adult education and for preparing to take the HI-SET tests are also available. Offenders may also seek four-year degrees through University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill correspondence courses.
Correction Enterprises moved its meat processing plant from Dunn to Harnett in 1994. Offenders help process millions of pounds of frozen foods and meats for use in state prisons.
In January 1991, the Prisons Mental Health Services began the Sex Offender Accountability and Responsibility Program at Harnett. The mental health program provides treatment for up to 46 offenders for each 20-week program cycle. Harnett also offers a Substance Abuse Treatment Program.
Harnett was one of 51 county prisons the state assumed responsibility for with the passage of the Conner Bill in 1931. It was one of 61 field unit prisons renovated or built during the late 1930's to house inmates who worked building roads.
Mailing Address: PO Box 1569, Lillington, NC 27546
Street Address: 1210 E. McNeill Street, Lillington, NC 27546
Phone: 910-893-2751
County: Harnett
Offender capacity: 988
Facility Type: Male, Medium Custody
Harnett Correctional Institution houses male inmates in medium custody. Its seven housing units are divided into 29 dormitories, including 34 single cells used for restrictive housing purposes.
Central Carolina Community College provides vocational programs including Barbering, Carpentry, Electrical Wiring, Food Services, Masonry, Welding, and Facility Maintenance. Classes in adult education and for preparing to take the Hi-SET tests are also available. Offenders may also seek four-year degrees through University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill correspondence courses.
Correction Enterprises operates its meat processing plant at Harnett CI, which employs more than 80 offenders. Harnett is also home to the state's only sex offender treatment program, Sex Offender Accountability and Responsibility (SOAR).