Rutherford Correctional Center

Mailing Address: Box 127, Spindale, NC 28160
Street Address: 549 Ledbetter Road, Spindale, NC 28160
Phone: 828-286-4121 
County: Rutherford
Offender capacity: 236
Facility type: Male - Minimum custody



Rutherford Correctional Center, near Spindale, is a minimum security prison for adult males.

Offenders may work on NCODT highway crews in Cleveland, Polk and Rutherford counties. Eligible offenders may also work for local businesses through the work release program.

The prison provides substance abuse treatment through DART aftercare, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

Larry Godwin

Larry Godwin

Tab/Accordion Items

Rutherford Correctional Center, near Spindale, is a minimum security prison for adult males. Offenders may work on NCODT highway crews in Cleveland, Polk and Rutherford counties. Eligible offenders may also work for local businesses through the work release program.

The prison provides substance abuse treatment through DART aftercare, Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

The chapel at the facility was built with the assistance of the 096 Prison Ministry.