Franklin Correctional Center

Tab/Accordion Items

Franklin Correctional Center opened in 1939 as one of 61 prisons renovated or built when the State Highway Department assumed management of state prisons and put offenders to work building highways. Through the years, Franklin housed minimum custody adult males, medium security youth and served as a processing center for adult males.

The prison's original dormitory still houses offenders. In the 1970's, offenders built a recreation building and a unit with 28 single cells for putting offenders in administrative and disciplinary segregation. In 1988, lawmakers provided a 104-bed dormitory as part of a $17.4 million prison construction program. Another 104-bed dormitory was added as part of a $55 million prison construction program authorized in 1989. Then, another 104-bed dormitory was provided as part of an $87.5 million prison construction program in 1993.

In 1987, Correction Enterprises opened a plant to make highway and interstate signs at Franklin. It is the largest facility of its kind in the U.S.

Mailing Address: Box 155, Bunn, NC 27508
Street Address: 5918 NC Highway 39 South
                            Bunn, NC 27508
Phone: (919) 496-6119
County: Franklin
Offender capacity: 452
Facility type: Male - Medium Custody

Franklin Correctional Center houses adult male inmates in medium custody.  Correction Enterprises operates a manufacturing plant to make highway and interstate signs at Franklin CC employing about 140 inmates. It is the largest sign making facility of its kind in the U.S.  The prison also offers a variety of educational and vocational opportunities.

Warden Louis Southall

Louis Southall
