Press Releases

State grants from the Governor’s Crime Commission are providing nine law enforcement agencies, including the Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office, with the latest forensic equipment that can extract enough computer information to prosecute child sex offenders in court.

Governor Pat McCrory toured Washington and Tyrrell Counties today to assess the damage caused by Tropical Storm Hermine.

As Tropical Storm Hermine moves quickly through North Carolina, Governor Pat McCrory is reminding the public not to let its guard down just yet.

The State Emergency Response Team has activated the Joint Information Center in response to Tropical Storm Hermine, which is expected to impact North Carolina starting this afternoon.
Located at Joint Forces Headquarters at 1636 Gold Star Drive

Governor Pat McCrory was at the Emergency Operations Center today for a briefing with Public Safety Secretary Frank Perry and state Emergency Management Director Mike Sprayberry to discuss storm preparations and any equipment or staffing support needs for counties as Hurricane Hermine approaches

The Labor Day weekend marks traditional end of summer vacation and many North Carolinians will be traveling and gathering with family and friends.

As students and educators return to school and the peak of hurricane season nears, Governor Pat McCrory is encouraging individuals, families, schools and businesses to review their emergency plans and update their supply kits.

North Carolina prison officials received notice today that escaped inmate Jason Strickland was in law enforcement custody in West Virginia.

Statement from Department of Public Safety Secretary Frank L. Perry Regarding Last Week’s Trooper Involved Shooting in Charlotte
“Any loss of life regardless of the circumstances is truly a tragic and sad event for all involved.

Greene County sheriff's deputies captured escaped inmate Waylon Flynn at about 8:30 this morning in the woods just a few miles from Greene Correctional Center.