Confinement in Response to Violation (CRV)

Confinement in Response to Violation (CRV) centers house and provide intensive behavior modification programs for those who have committed technical violations of probation. CRV centers incarcerate violators for 90-day periods in response to violations of probation, parole or post-release supervision as provided by the Justice Reinvestment Act of 2011. The CRV centers utilize dormitory style housing similar to a minimum-security prison and offer intensive programming designed to modify behavior of probation violators. Probation officers and custody staff work closely with offenders as they progress through treatment and programming including cognitive behavioral therapy, substance abuse interventions, employment readiness and life skills training.
Under the Justice Reinvestment Act, violations of probation that involve committing new crimes or absconding can still result in revocation of probation, activation of the suspended prison sentence and incarceration in the regular prison population. Technical violators, including those who miss appointments, curfews or fail drug tests, can serve two 90-day CRV periods before they face probation revocation and return to prison
ROBESON CRV CENTER 192 beds for male offenders 803 NC Highway 711 Lumberton, NC 910-618-5535 |
NORTH PIEDMONT CRV CENTER 136 beds for female offenders 1420 Raleigh Road Lexington, NC 27292 336-242-1259 Visitation is held Sundays from 9-11 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Only immediate family visitors on the offender's approved visitation list will be allowed. No more than three visitors per offender are allowed during each visitation period. Legal visits are scheduled separately from regular visitation by calling the facility. |
BURKE CRV CENTER - Temporarily Closed Visitation is held Sundays from 1-3 p.m. Only immediate family visitors on the offenders’ approved visitation lists will be allowed. No more than 3 visitors per offender are allowed during each visitation period. Legal visits are scheduled separately from regular visitation by calling the facility. |
Sending Mail
Mail to offenders at CRV centers must mailed to the address below or sent electronically using the Text Behind app.
Mail to offenders must be addressed this way:
Offender Name – Offender OPUS Number
(Burke/North Piedmont/Robeson) Confinement in Response to Violation Center
P.O. Box 247
Phoenix, MD 21131
More information on sending mail to NCDAC prison/CRV facilities