Staff Development & Training
The mission of the Office of Staff Development and Training (OSDT) is to provide training for the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction workforce. OSDT provides direct and indirect learning experiences designed to meet the needs of the agency, as well as its entry level and career level employees – regardless of job position.
OSDT has a staff of 101 instructors and support personnel who deliver basic training to correction and probation/parole officers. OSDT also leads firearms training, leadership education programs, general instructor training and other specialized classes, and manages the delivery of the annual in-service training for more than 16,000 certified employees.
The need for staff development and training within the department is vital. With more than 500 different job classifications, many of which have training mandated by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission, a comprehensive training program is required to meet the agency's needs. OSDT strives to address the specialized training needs of all staff from top management officials to first-line employees. The agency seeks to employ highly qualified individuals; therefore, it is essential that training continue throughout employees’ careers with the Department of Adult Correction.
OSDT Headquarters
2211 Schieffelin Road
Apex, NC 27502
Phone: 919-589-5440