Patricia Deal

Deputy Secretary - Support Services

Patricia Deal is a 29-year veteran of state government. As Deputy Secretary for Support Services at NCDAC, Deal oversees Central Engineering, Central Supply Warehouse, Facility Management, Fleet Management, Food and Nutrition Services, and Radio Communication for DAC.

She most recently served the Department of Public Safety as the Director of Administration for the Division of Prisons.

She began her career with the South Carolina Department of Corrections in 1981, serving in several roles in the areas of procurement, transportation, communication, and project management before moving to North Carolina in 1981. With the North Carolina prison system, Deal held management positions within Facility Management, Health and Wellness, and Administration.  

Deal holds an associate degree in business administration from Wake Technical Community College. She is a graduate of the DPS Correctional Leadership Development Program, and is a member of the American Correctional Association, Southern States Correctional Association, North Carolina Correctional Association, and the Peace Officers Association.