Youth Schools for Offenders
There are four NCDAC institutions designated to house incarcerated youth who meet the definition of being “delinquent or neglected,” according to the United States Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. This definition includes youth who are "... incarcerated for at least 30 days, are younger than 21 years of age, and have not completed 12th grade." These institutions are:
- Foothills Correctional Institution;
- Richmond (Minimum-Custody) Correctional Institution;
- NC Correctional Institution for Women; and
- Granville Correctional Institution.

High school equivalency classes at the four schools are taught by 47 state-certified teachers assigned to the facilities. Local community college instructors supplement educational offerings at each facility. Certified principals lead these four schools, with support from school counselors and school psychologists assigned at the facilities.
The purpose of Title I is to improve educational services for neglected and delinquent “children” and youth housed in adult correctional facilities, thereby contributing to closing the achievement gap. Title I focuses on the following goals:
- Maintaining and improving educational achievement for students who qualify;
- Preparing students for smooth transition to regular education or other educational programs;
- Enabling students to complete high school equivalency requirements;
- Preparing students to obtain employment after leaving an institution; and
- Preparing students to transition back into their communities as productive members of society.
The Title I program provides supplementary instruction to language arts and math programs in Prisons. It is designed to enhance, not take the place of, regular instruction.