Author: Greg Thomas

Every day, the more than 2,000 officers of Community Corrections carry out their sometimes unheralded mission as Probation/Parole Officers for the State of North Carolina.
While you might not have noticed them in your community, they provide critical public service at all hours of the day and night.
July 17-22, 2022 is Probation/Parole Officers’ Week, a time to recognize and highlight all of their efforts to provide public safety while helping those they supervise improve their lives and successfully complete their conditions.
“I can’t tell you how proud I am of our officers,” said Tracy K. Lee. “Their ability to respond to the pandemic, quickly pivot and adapt to ever-changing conditions was truly impressive. COVID-19 affected the personal lives of our officers just as much as it did everyone else. They were not immune. Supervision never stops and they found innovative and creative ways of getting the job done during an unprecedented global, public health crisis.”
Probation/Parole Officers wear many different hats. They assist those they supervise turn their lives around, help them locate community resources and encourage and counsel them. They help protect public safety by enforcing conditions of probation, post release and parole. They assist during natural disasters, times of civil unrest and recently assisted at COVID-19 vaccination sites around the state.
When partner law enforcement agencies need assistance, Community Corrections is always there to help in any way it can. By virtue of all they do, you could make the argument they are one of the most versatile law enforcement agencies around.
Probation/Parole Officers’ Week happens once a year, but these dedicated professionals deserve our thanks, respect and admiration every day of the year.
To learn more about the job requirements of Probation/Parole Officers, the training and work environment and the application process, please visit
NC Governor Roy Cooper proclaims July 17-23, 2022 as Probation, Parole and Community Supervision Officers' Week, to read the full proclamation go to