Career Progression FAQs


When and who can participate?   
•    The first-class track is available to correctional officers, food service officers, and case managers.
•    A minimum of 12 months of service is required and begins from your basic correctional officer training graduation date.
•    You must have a "meets" or "exceeds" expectations on your overall VIP performance rating for the most recent year to begin and maintain the same rating during training.
•    You must not have any documented counseling, active disciplinary actions, under investigation, or documented time management issues.

What if you have an active disciplinary or another issue stated above, when can you participate? 
•    If you receive some form of corrective action or another form mentioned and have already begun the program, your participation will be paused until the matter is resolved.

Do I need to request permission to participate?   
•    No. Your admin officer will verify your eligibility to participate and will receive notification of your interest when you complete the registration in LMS.

Where and when can I take career progression training?   
•    The program is voluntary, self-initiated, and self-paced, allowing you to complete it in LMS on your time at home on your personal smartphone or computer.

If I am a correctional officer, can I register for a food service officer or case manager career track?    
•    No. You must be assigned to the same position as your selected training track.

How long will it take to complete the first-class level?  
•    The completion time frame, beginning from the time of registration until completion, recognition, and receiving the onetime retention bonus payment, is no less than 12 months. The training will be distributed in three (3) cohorts, each spaced two months apart.

How do I start the program?
•    When you enter the LMS, look for the career progression tab at the top of the page and complete the orientation. If you believe this program is for you, complete the registration form and the letter of acknowledgment with your attestation/signature. Once your registration is reviewed by your admin officer confirming your eligibility, you will be assigned the first of three (3) cohort trainings.

What do I need to do after completing the training?
•    Once you finish all the training, you will complete the self-assessment checklist, attach the course completion certificate, and forward it to your admin officer. (a job aid for attaching the certificate is available on the LMS Career progression page.)

What are the steps for scheduling a meeting with the regional review committee?
•    Once your admin officer verifies that you have remained in good standing and maintained your eligibility, they will forward your completed self-assessment and course completion transcript to your regional review committee. The regional review committee will then schedule a virtual or in-person meeting for you.

What is the purpose of the regional review committee?
•    The purpose of the regional review committee is for you to share your thoughts and suggestions about the program and for the committee members to ask you questions about your experience during the program. It will also be a time to share your professional aspirations in a setting that, if in person, may be similar to what you could expect in a promotional interview.

What do I get when I complete the program?   
•    You will be recognized with a specific insignia that you may wear proudly on your uniform, vest, or, in the case of case managers, state-issued polo, a framed certificate of completion, and a onetime retention bonus payment.

When will I get my onetime retention bonus payment? 
•    Once you have successfully completed the program and signed the one-time retention bonus form, your 90-day payment process will begin. Please note that the one-time retention bonus payment is subject to taxes and retirement contributions.

Why is this worth my time? What's really in this for me?     
•    Provide you with opportunities to develop additional on the job knowledge and skills.
•    Build your interest and confidence in career development.
•    If you choose, it will further prepare you to apply for promotion.

What happens If you get promoted during the training program?
•    Due to your promotion and because you no longer hold a front-level position, you will be removed from the training and recognized as your newly promoted supervisor position.

If you have other questions; who can answer them?
Your admin officer is your facility's point of contact. 
You may also refer to the emails provided below.
•    Program Info? Email:
•    LMS Course Problems? Email: