Press Releases

Governor McCrory is urging residents to closely monitor weather forecasts and follow direction from emergency officials as severe thunderstorms and strong winds move through the state throughout the day.

As storms continue to move across the state, Governor Pat McCrory is cautioning residents to remain alert during the overnight hours when storms can be most deadly.

Governor Pat McCrory has notified the state’s seven Urban Search and Rescue Teams and seven hazardous materials Regional Response Teams to be on standby in preparation for severe weather that is predicted to roll across the state on Wednesday.

One was spirited and outspoken, the other calm and quiet. Both men became leaders in their agencies after enduring the struggles of being among the first in their fields.

Governor Pat McCrory urges drivers to continue to exercise caution until warmer temperatures melt the wintry mix of precipitation that caused dangerous driving conditions. 

Governor Pat McCrory reports that the North Carolina State Emergency Response Team is closely monitoring the weather and preparing for the approaching winter storm and recommended that residents do the same.

The New London and Tarheel Challenge Academy cadets used their newly refurbished bus Feb. 12 when cadets traveled to Raleigh to visit the state legislative building and the Museum of Natural Sciences.

Ten military veterans are among the newest members of the State Highway Patrol thanks to Governor Pat McCrory’s N.C. Military Pipeline hiring initiative. The Patrol graduated 29 cadets today during a ceremony held at Colonial Baptist Church in Raleigh.

Central Prison Warden Carlton Joyner has been promoted to the position of deputy director for administration in the state prison system.  He will assist Director George Solomon and Deputy Director for Operations Kenneth Lassiter in overseeing the state’s 56 prisons.

During today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on “Breaking the Cycle: Mental Health and the Justice System,” committee members heard testimony from criminal justice experts, including David Guice, the Commissioner of North Carolina Department of Public Safety’s Division of Adult Correction an