WHAT: Monthly meeting of the North Carolina Joint Reentry Council to coordinate efforts in improving rehabilitation and reentry of offenders returning to their communities after incarceration.
WHEN: Thursday, Jan. 23, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
WHERE: Greg Poole, Jr. All Faiths Chapel (Dorothea Dix Park), 1030 Richardson Drive, Raleigh, NC 27603.
WHO: Council members, honored guests, speakers and a chance for public comment
11 a.m. — Welcome and Introductions: Leslie Cooley Dismukes, Secretary, N.C. Department of Adult Correction; Tammera Hill, Chief Operating Officer, NCDAC.
11:20 — Strategic Planning Update: Maggie Brewer, NCDAC Chief Deputy Secretary for Rehabilitative and Correctional Services; George Pettigrew, NCDAC Deputy Secretary of the Division of Rehabilitation and Reentry.
11:45 — NC Department of Military and Veterans Affairs and its Mission: Andrea Allard, Director of Transition Services, NC Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
12:15 p.m. — Digital Opportunities for Justice-Impacted People: Merging Technology with Reentry: Brian Scott, OurJourney Executive Director.
12:45 — Public comments
12:55 — Closing remarks: Deputy Secretary Pettigrew.