The North Carolina Joint Reentry Council will hold its next meeting Thursday March 27, in Raleigh.
The North Carolina Joint Reentry Council will hold its next meeting Thursday March 27, in Raleigh.
RE: Aeric L. Whitehead 0435029
COUNTY AND COURT: Nash County; Superior Court
CRIME AND SENTENCE: 93 CRS 12227 Murder Secoind Degree; Life
CONVICTION DATE: July 29, 1994
Dear News Editor:
RE: German Grace 0151219
RE: Melvin Hooks 0190609
RE: Robert L. Davis 0102561
RE: Johnny R. Braswell 0043323
Officials with the NC Department of Adult Correction (NCDAC) have promoted Daniel Attaway to the position of Judicial District Manager (JDM) in Judicial District 17, effective March 3.
RE: Jeffrey Willis 0446114
RE: Willie Granford 0152446