Press Releases

A Central Prison offender with pre-existing medical conditions, who tested positive for COVID-19, has died at a hospital.

MARION--Offender Corey Hudson (1309142) died Christmas night at Marion Correctional Institution after an apparent suicide. He was found unresponsive in a housing area at 8:37 p.m. CPR was initiated by prison medical staff.

RALEIGH – An offender at Nash Correctional Institution, diagnosed as COVID-19-positive, died Christmas night.

An Alexander Correctional Institution offender with pre-existing medical conditions, who tested positive for COVID-19, has died.

An Anson Correctional Institution offender with pre-existing medical conditions, who tested positive for COVID-19, has died.

Offender Darrell Black (#0512155) died Monday at Piedmont Correctional Institution after an apparent suicide. He was found unresponsive in a housing area at 4:52 p.m. Prison medical staff and local paramedics responded and worked to resuscitate the offender. He was pronounced dead at 5:21 p.m.

A team of American Correctional Association auditors has recommended accreditation be awarded to the Moore Recycling Plant, a Correction Enterprise operation that recycles license plates and road signs.

A Greene Correctional Institution offender with pre-existing medical conditions, who tested positive for COVID-19, has died.

On Friday, Governor Roy Cooper, Secretary Mandy K. Cohen and Secretary Erik Hooks wrote a letter to local elected officials imploring them to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in their communities by considering additional enforcement measures.