WHAT: The North Carolina Department of Adult Correction (NCDAC) will celebrate a significant milestone toward achieving state sustainability goals with a groundbreaking ceremony for a 500 kW solar energy project on Oct. 30.
WHAT: The North Carolina Department of Adult Correction (NCDAC) will celebrate a significant milestone toward achieving state sustainability goals with a groundbreaking ceremony for a 500 kW solar energy project on Oct. 30.
Officials with the NC Department of Adult Correction (NCDAC) have promoted Alan Pitstick to the position of Judicial District Manager (JDM) in Judicial District 10, which covers Wake County.
Today the NC Department of Adult Correction transferred 151 men from Craggy Correctional Center in Asheville to three other prisons, completing the movement of people from prisons in storm-impacted areas of Western North Carolina.
RE: Timothy D. Smith 0380277
COUNTY AND COURT: Cumberland County; Superior Court
CRIME AND SENTENCE: 91 CRS 38765 Murder First Degree; Life
CONVICTION DATE: July 10, 1992
Dear News Editor: