Transitional Aftercare Network
The Transitional Aftercare Network trains and equips mentors to assist people transitioning out of incarceration and re-integrating back into their families, communities and workforce. This statewide network of individuals, agencies and faith-based organizations works to cultivate relationships, enhance reentry and reduce recidivism.
Want to volunteer?
TAN needs the following types of volunteers:
• Team Coordinators
• Mentors/Life Coaches
Have an incarcerated loved one who needs a mentor?
To participate in TAN, an incarcerated person must:
• Be 3-12 months before release
• Be infraction free for 90 days
• Not be a documented member of a Security Risk Group (gang)
• Not be convicted of a sex offense.
To become a mentor or refer an incarcerated person:
Please contact:
Chaplain Lashawnda Key, TAN Coordinator
3512 Bush St.
Raleigh, NC 27609