What is SAVAN?
The NC SAVAN program provides access to victim assistance resources, offender custody status information, automated offender notifications and a case management tool for providers. The program also provides law enforcement access to local, state and national offender custody information. This free service is provided 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
Are bi-lingual services available?
Yes. English and Spanish email and telephone notifications are offered. Additionally, by dialing the toll-free number 1-877 NC SAVAN or (877) 627-2826 and pressing “0”, callers can receive operator assistance in more than 100 languages.
How does SAVAN work?
SAVAN is a fully automated computer service that electronically links to all North Carolina jails and Adult Corrections (prison, probation and parole). When new offender information is sent to SAVAN, the system compares the offender information to a list of victims who have previously registered with the service. When it finds a match, it immediately sends a notification.
SAVAN phone notifications are provided from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Critical events like release, escape and capture are sent anytime. If you are not at home when system calls with a notification, the service will leave a message and call back every two hours between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. for a 24 hour period. For critical events, the system will call every 30 minutes for a 24 hour period.
If you forget your PIN, please call the toll free number 1-877 NC SAVAN or (877) 627-2826 and press 0 for operator assistance.
If your email address is registered you will only receive one email containing the status change information of the offender you are registered against. Email notifications are sent anytime. You may call the toll free number 1-877 NC SAVAN, or (877) 627-2826 as often as you want from any touch-tone telephone to check on an offender's custody and court status, 24 hours per day, seven days per week. You may also visit our website at www.ncsavan.org any time to check on an offender's custody and court status. You may register for notification by phone or Internet.
Which offenders are monitored by SAVAN?
- Offenders who are listed in state and county detention facilities, or who are under community supervision, or whose cases are pending at the district attorney's office.
- An offender may be released on bail or released on his/her recognizance during arraignment. These individuals may not be considered in custody.
SAVAN does not :
- monitor offenders being held at a police precinct or other local police facilities.
- track offenders who have "bonded out" of custody at the magistrate level and are never booked into jail.
- track offenders housed within juvenile or mental facilities.
Who can use the SAVAN service?
Anyone, family, or friends or other concerned persons, may call the SAVAN hotline for custody status information. In addition, anyone may register for custody change notification directly through the SAVAN hotline. Only victims of crimes designated for services by state law may register for court event notification. Contact the local District Attorney's office for more information.
All telephone registrations through the Arkansas VINE System are anonymous. You will be asked to choose a special PIN (Personal Identification Number) to acknowledge notifications from the system.
How do victims get information and register?
- Victims may register online with www.ncsavan.org or call 1-877-NCSAVAN and follow the prompts to hear current custody status information and register for automated notification.
- Once registered, SAVAN will automatically call or email you if there is a change in the offender's custody status, parole/probation status, and case status changes.
- When SAVAN calls, listen to the message and enter your PIN when asked. Entering the PIN lets SAVAN know that you got the call, and it will stop calling you again.
- Only victims of crimes designated for services by state law may register for court event notification. Victims should contact the local District Attorney's office for more information.
How can I make sure that the notification is received by me and no one else?
You can register more than one phone number or email address with SAVAN. To ensure the correct person receives the notification, the system requires a four digit, personal identification number (PIN).
Will the offender know I registered for notification?
No, the system provides anonymous registration.
What do I do if the offender is going to be released?
If you fear for your safety, do not depend on this or any other service for your protection. Take precautionary measures as if the inmate has already been released.
What should I tell victims about SAVAN?
Victims should know that SAVAN is a free service that is available to assist them in determining the status of an offender. All SAVAN telephone registrations are anonymous and confidential. A SAVAN brochure will be available to victims with information on how to use the SAVAN service.
What if the offender is released from jail or prison outside of regular business hours, for example midnight on a Sunday?
The SAVAN service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year including holidays. Any change in inmate custody will prompt the SAVAN service to call all registered victims regardless of the day or time. If an inmate is released during non-business hours, you will get a call from SAVAN.
What if the inmate is transferred out of the custody of a participating jail but is still in custody with another agency?
The SAVAN service will notify registered victims of an inmates' transfer from county jail facilities. You must call SAVAN and re-register to continue to be notified.
If you have any questions or if you need more information on SAVAN in your area, call 1 (919) 733-7974).
What is VINE?
Victim Information and Notification (VINE), is the national victim notification network. This service allows crime victims to obtain timely and reliable information about criminal cases and the custody status of offenders 24 hours a day. VINE is a software solution that manages victim notification and offender custody information.
The Department of Adult Correction and the SAVAN program have an enterprise license with Appriss, the provider of VINE.