Community Programs

Community programming is provided to justice-involved individuals who are on community supervision and are referred for services through their probation/parole officer.  

All recidivism reduction services, including cognitive behavior intervention, support services, and substance abuse treatment, are provided by approved vendors contracted through the NCDAC. NCDAC's community program staff work with community partners to develop effective, evidence-based programming for recently-released offenders and those on community supervision. The section works to ensure that staff, vendors, service providers and volunteers understand the research on correctional interventions, as well as the importance of delivering quality programs in a consistent manner.

The ongoing challenge is keeping high-risk offenders engaged in services. Correctional research and practice dictate that justice-involved individuals must remain engaged for longer periods of time and receive the appropriate services for programs to be effective and have an impact on recidivism. Rehabilitation and Reentry Community Development Specialists oversee the recidivism reduction services in each of their respective divisions. 

Community Development Specialists

NCDAC Community Development Specialists oversee Recidivism Reduction Services (RSS) in each of their respective divisions, including Cognitive Behavior Intervention, support services, and substance use disorder treatment. 

Transitional Housing

NCDAC offers transitional housing for adult offenders who need a structured, positive, and safe environment as they gain the life skills necessary to achieve self-sufficiency and permanent housing. The agency contracts with vendors to provide transitional housing for offenders who are unable to find a stable community placement prior to release from prison. 

Transitional housing provides residents a place to live and facilitates participation in programs and services designed to remove barriers to successful reentry. While transitional housing is primarily used for offenders leaving prison, it is also an available option for offenders already under community supervision who are homeless, living in an unstable or unapproved home, have no financial means to support themselves and could benefit from a more structured, positive, safe environment.

Placement in transitional housing is voluntary. Offenders who apply for transitional housing must agree to participate in all aspects of the housing experience and to comply with all requirements of supervision.

For more information about transitional housing, email the program coordinator at

Transitional Housing Brochure


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