Reentry Simulations

The Division of Rehabilitation and Reentry coordinates reentry simulations across the state in a variety of settings, including at corrections facilities. 

Pamlico Offender participates in Reentry Simulation
An offender participates in a Reentry Simulation at his correctional facility. 

Reentry simulations demonstrate the struggles and challenges faced by individuals who are transitioning from incarceration back into society. The goal of simulations is for participants to gain an understanding of obstacles faced by men and women attempting to acquire resources from various agencies upon their release from incarceration.  To walk in the shoes of one who is returning home gives invaluable insight for professionals who are tasked with helping these individuals achieve a successful reentry.

Reentry simulations are provided to community organizations, students, and members of the public on request. 


For more information , contact Director of Reentry Services Lateisha Thrash at

two men participate in a reentry simulation
Corrections staff participate in a Reentry Simulation in Raleigh.