Chaplaincy Services

The Division of Rehabilitation and Reentry of the Department of Adult Correction is authorized and directed to employ clinical chaplains to provide moral, spiritual and social counseling and ministerial services to offenders. 

Convocation at NCCIW, NC Field Ministers Program

The Division employs many qualified persons having differing faiths, which are to the extent practicable reflective of the professed religious composition of the inmate population. Professional Clinical Chaplains are highly educated people/clergy of any faith community– Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Hindu and more – ordained and/or endorsed by that community. Their role is to provide emotional, spiritual, religious, pastoral, ethical, crisis intervention and/or existential care in a secular setting, such as NCDAC's 54 corrections facilities  

NCDAC's Chaplaincy team also facilitates the Transitional Aftercare Network (TAN), an optional faith-based individual mentorship program geared toward supporting returning citizens in addressing their unique needs, goals, and challenges upon reentry.

Chaplaincy Services are served by a team that includes includes a director, as well as two regional clinical chaplains, and a TAN Coordinator, each of whom provides support to facility-based chaplains. 


For more information, contact Interim Director of Chaplaincy Services Sarah Jobe,

small bookshelf with religious books.
Reading & reflection area in the Craggy Correctional Center chapel.